Amy K. Jean, PA-C
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Can I be a nurse without having my masters degree?
I’m asking because I want to be a nurse but I just want to go to college but without a masters degree just with my degree. #nurse

Do you experience bias in patient perception of MD vs PA-C?
I am currently in school completing my pre-reqs in order to apply to physician assistant school. Over the last few years, I have heard a number of people say they would rather see a MD than a PA-C as they feel an MD has more experience, expertise and knowledge in the field of medicine. Do you...

What pre-requisite classes will I need to get into a Medical Imaging Program?
I am interested in going into the field of Medical Imaging #medicine #healthcare #medical-imaging #medical-terminology #hospital-and-health-care #healthcare

When should someone start preparing if interested in a medical career and how?
I am a sophomore in high school and have applied for numerous programs so that i can learn more about the profession of becoming a doctor but i am not sure when i should start preparing for applications or what steps i need to take so i can reach my goal in becoming one.HELP!!!! #medicine...