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Amy K. Jean, PA-C’s Avatar

Amy K. Jean, PA-C

Physician Assistant with experience in family practice and orthopedics
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
5 Answers
5772 Reads
26 Karma
Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Apr 30, 2018 897 views

What schools offer financial aid for women interested in STEM?


Valeria’s Avatar
Valeria Apr 21, 2018 745 views

Can I be a nurse without having my masters degree?

I’m asking because I want to be a nurse but I just want to go to college but without a masters degree just with my degree. #nurse

Angela’s Avatar
Angela Jan 12, 2018 1026 views

Do you experience bias in patient perception of MD vs PA-C?

I am currently in school completing my pre-reqs in order to apply to physician assistant school. Over the last few years, I have heard a number of people say they would rather see a MD than a PA-C as they feel an MD has more experience, expertise and knowledge in the field of medicine. Do you...

Maci’s Avatar
Maci May 16, 2016 1075 views

What pre-requisite classes will I need to get into a Medical Imaging Program?

I am interested in going into the field of Medical Imaging #medicine #healthcare #medical-imaging #medical-terminology #hospital-and-health-care #healthcare

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Apr 04, 2018 1051 views

When should someone start preparing if interested in a medical career and how?

I am a sophomore in high school and have applied for numerous programs so that i can learn more about the profession of becoming a doctor but i am not sure when i should start preparing for applications or what steps i need to take so i can reach my goal in becoming one.HELP!!!! #medicine...