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San Antonio, Texas
2 Questions
71 Karma

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JORGE’s Avatar
JORGE May 18, 2018 867 views

What can I do in order to get a better chance of getting a job right after I finish college?

I have heard that there are some carreers that give you a job right after you graduate from college. I plan on becoming an electrical engineer, and I want to know if there is anything in my reach that I can do so that i could get a higher chance of getting a Job after college. #headstart #carreer

JORGE’s Avatar
JORGE May 18, 2018 875 views

Would the basics of engineering help me become other types of engineers?

There are many types of engineers, such as mechanical, chemical, etc. I am curious if that basic knowledge would help me get a step ahead of becoming other types of engineers, and if so, what kind of carreers. #career #engineering