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Tatjana’s Avatar


Stephens City, Virginia
2 Questions
91 Karma

Tatjana’s Career Goals

I want to be a forensic psychologist with the FBI! I'm hoping to work both on the field and in court and offices to assist law enforcement with cases, and the people affected by those cases.

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Tatjana’s Avatar
Tatjana May 12, 2018 1097 views

How do I work while in college?

Should I plan a college schedule and course list with the thought of a job in mind, or should I just create my schedule based on class availability and find a job that fits that realm after?

#work #college #balance #work-life-balance

Tatjana’s Avatar
Tatjana May 12, 2018 812 views

How do you start paying for college?

I'm about to start college in the fall, and I'm applying for scholarships and saving up from working part-time. I understand how to earn money from college, I just don't know how payment works. Will I have to pay for classes before school starts, will it all hit me after I receive my degree?...