Hongyun (Heley) Bai, CPA
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what are the biggest responsibilities of an accountant?
Everything that has to do with economy and finances has always caught my attention. I have the basic knowledge about the career but wanted to know what is the main responsibility in the job of an accountant #college #accounting #business

Where Do I Start Investing For Beginner ?
I keep hearing about investing some money, so I decided to give it a try.
But I need help?
How do I start investing?
What app is good for investing?
#finance #accounting #investment-management #money #career #COVID19 #Help #money

How has COVID-19 impacted your career as an accountant?
#accountant #accounting #business #finance

Which risk management specialization track should I choose? There’s employee benefits, healthcare risk management, and property liability/ corporate risk management.
I’m currently a student enrolled in college and I’m looking to switch my major to risk management, and I’m not really sure which track I should do. I’m also looking into an accounting minor, but I’m not entirely sure how much that will help me. #college-major #colleges #risk #accounting

What school would be top on the list if I were to major in accounting?
#major #university #college #major

How you learn to do taxes, but the school doesn't have any classes so you know what to do?
In life we are made to do taxes, and most of us are so clueless to where to start. Some of us don't have anyone to go to get the knowledge we need.
#Taxes #Wack

How exact do taxes work, and how do you do them?
I'm asking this because as I will grow up it'll be something I'll have to do so and want to know more about it and how it actually works. #taxes

If tax codes are simplified, how will that change the professions/jobs in the tax/accounting world?
I am considering a major in business/tax/accounting. Since I hear a lot of talk from Washington about tax reform, it made me think... If the tax codes are simplified, will this effect the number of jobs and number of good jobs in the tax/accounting industry? I'm not sure this would be a...

What do I need to learn how to do before moving out and living on my own?
I wasn't taught a whole lot at school about what living on your own entails, and now the time has come where I am becoming an adult and have started preparing for my future. I have yet to learn how credit works, as well as interests and loans. I dont know how to do my own taxes or what...

How is the CPA exam?
I was just wondering if someone can tell me what is the CPA exam like #accounting #cpa