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Barstow, California
2 Questions
46 Karma

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Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie May 19, 2018 943 views

What difficulties might I face as a woman in the E.R.?

I am currently a nursing student but my ultimate goal is to obtain a Doctorate of Nursing, and possibly become an E.R. doctor. I would like to know what obstacles I may face being a female doctor the E.R. #doctor #er #medicine #healthcare #hospital #hospital-and-healthcare #female #gender...

Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie May 19, 2018 909 views

What should I be studying to pass the tease test?

I am a nursing student and just obtained my A.A. in Social Science, I am now pursuing my B.S.N. I am nervous about the tease test because I have heard a lot of different stories about what is on it. I just want to be sure that I am studying the right material so that I can pas it the first tie...