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Morrison, Tennessee
3 Questions
71 Karma

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Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jun 07, 2018 2385 views

How important is it to have the right edition of a textbook for class?

I'm having a hard time finding the right edition of textbooks for math, psychology, and human anatomy and physics. I have found the right authors and books, but the editions are a little off. How important is it to get the exact edition? #nursing-student #math #psychology #anatomy-and-physics

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley May 22, 2018 1952 views

What is the most challenging part about becoming a midwife?

Nursing school is required but what is the most challenging part of midwifery more pacifically? #student-midwife #midwife #obgyn #labor-and-delivery #nurse #nursing

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Ashley May 22, 2018 751 views

What is the best part about becoming a relief worker?

What is the most noticeable change that takes place when you are there? #helping-others #registered-nurse #nonprofit #nurse #nursing