Career questions tagged nursing-student

I am currently a first semester nursing student, but I feel like the major is not for me.. What can I do?
I went to advising, counseling, career services, but I think it is too late to drop out from the program now since it is only for 2 years, so I really want to graduate on time but nursing seems so difficult and tiring for me right now... like it is not my passion anymore and everyday I want to quit it but at the same time I feel like I can't because then I'll have to start over if I change majors... What should I do, I feel like I haven't got an answer from anyone yet and I feel overwhelm and stressed right now. #nursing #college #college-major #nurse #nursing-student #healthcare

How important is it to have the right edition of a textbook for class?
I'm having a hard time finding the right edition of textbooks for math, psychology, and human anatomy and physics. I have found the right authors and books, but the editions are a little off. How important is it to get the exact edition? #nursing-student #math #psychology #anatomy-and-physics