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Gary, Indiana
2 Questions
96 Karma

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Dimetrius Jul 11, 2018 1175 views

Should I go straight through to my PhD?

Should I get my masters and work while getting my PhD, or should I go straight through and get my PhD, interning along the way? Which way gets me more experience, and which would insure that I will have a job?

#social-work #PhD #internship #masters #PhD #MSW

Dimetrius’s Avatar
Dimetrius Jul 11, 2018 1345 views

Should my personality type dictate my career?

In school, we had to take personality tests to find our 'perfect career fits'. For the Myers-Briggs test, I got INTP (Introvert iNtuitive Thinking Perception), which is not known for its empathy. While it is true that I am not the most socially adept, nor am I the best at expressing (true)...