Career questions tagged dual-enrollment

I am a 10th grader just beginning to research potential IT careers. Cloud engineering has stood out to me the most because of its behind-the-scenes aspects, such as designing and problem-solving. I have a couple questions about it. ?
What do you find to be the most challenging part of being a cloud developer? Which tools or technologies do you use most frequently in your work? What skills or experiences would you recommend for someone looking to stand out in this field? What are some common challenges in ensuring the security of front-end applications, particularly in a cloud-based infrastructure? What are some good colleges for IT or Comp Sci? What high school/dual enrollment classes should I take to help me?

What to do if I have no APs/Honors/Extracurriculars (a shy homeschooled Junior in HS who wants to pursue either becoming a lawyer or something in the forensic science area)?
I feel very behind and stressed because though I do make good grades, I know that I should have at least a few of these things but I don’t. I know the best way is for me to just do something about it but I’m not sure on how to go about it. I also feel stressed because I’m not 100% for sure which career path I should pursue: law or forensic science. I will take any advice. Do you think that it would be a good idea if I take any APs/Honors next year or will it be too late? I was thinking of taking dual enrollment next year and some CLEP exams this year. And, what extracurriculars should I do as of now, and for my senior year—ones that match the careers i want to do or a variety of different things that interest me? (sorry if i got off topic!!!) Thank you in advance because any help/advice will be appreciated!

Hi, I'm about to be a sophomore. And I wanted to do dual enrollment. I'm striving to be a nurse in the future. And I know if I take classes for dual enrollment, those credits can be transferred to college. If I'm striving to be a nurse what classes should I take, do I just take any like psychology and if I do, does that mean I won't have to take that class in college and also, they asked for what intended major or program of study I want to take, I'm curious what I should do for that. Thanks!
-10th grade -wanting to be a nurse

Do you have to transfer your associate's degree to your bachelors?
Hi, I am currently a rising junior who is taking dual enrollment classes in psychology. I was wondering that when I go to university do they take away my associates degree if they transfer the credits to my bachelors degree. I was wondering because If they didn't I could pursue a better-paying job with my associates degree rather than waiting till I get my bachelor's.

Does this course rigor look strong for college? How many dual enrollment course should I take, and what AP? For a science major.
I’m going to be a senior in High School, I have straight A’s and have taken honors classes since ninth grade. I’ve only taken AP language so far, and I think I will only take AP Human Geography next year. I will also take dual enrollment classes. How many dual enrollment classes should I take? *I want to be a science major* Keep in mind that I go to a private school with 10 AP options including -AP psych which I can’t take because of scheduling conflicts -AP Biology (our only AP science) - AP stats, US history, Government and politics, macroeconomics, art

Is dual enrollment in high school worth it?
I am very adamant on getting ahead. I am currently placed in all honors classes since freshman at my school and get placed in AP classes yet. But, if I get far enough ahead, should I consider dual enrolling? What benefits does it have?

How could I possibly shadow or contribute to my mentoring?
I have found a mentor that is a professor and a social worker with her own practice. When we first met we discussed things I could do, such as research and just asking questions in general, one of her suggestions was to shadow, but we were both concerned about the ethical dilemmas that would form as I am a highschool student although I do dual psychology classes at college which technically made me a college student. Many college students shadow professionals in the mental health field because they are studying that field, would this make it more acceptable if I were to shadow my mentor while obviously following HIPAA laws, ethical concerns, and getting the patients okay.

What classes should I take for dual enrollment in high school?
Hi! I'm currently a Sophmore in high school and I am enrolling in dual enrollment over the summer. However, I do not know what classes I should take. I want to be an endocrinologist and study at the University of Georgia. I have all A's in school. I was wondering, what classes should I take for dual enrollment?

What duall enrollment should I take and how many?
I am looking to enroll in dual enrollment this summer I am a high school Sophomore currently. I have all A's and want to know what classes are best to take over the summer and how many I should take I can take up to 4. But I don't want to take more then one next fall because I've heard that Junior year is hard. Is that true? When I graduate i want to become a Marine Biologist but I want to save those science courses for after high school. So what do you recommend?

What should I work towards getting an Associates in if I am interested in becoming a clinical psychologist?
I am currently a Sophomore in high school and I am applying to do Dual-Enrollment online during my Junior and Senior year with a community college called Forsyth Tech. In order to apply I have to choose a pathway with certain classes and that is where I'm struggling. I'm given the choice between an Associates in Science, Applied science, or Arts. There isn't fully a pathway I could take to get an Associates in just Psychology.

What types of social work is there In high school vocational school, the ECE program is somewhat interesting and I was wondering how does it work with teachers? What are some good dual majors? What about dual admissions as in your degree is accepted in more than one country? For someone on a IEP is there any good programs to help in college? Is there any programs like TRIO? I don’t have a lot of money and have some health issues is there any type of way to actually help me with that? Last question, how can get some extra help in college that can make up from the enabling from mostly my teachers and to get work on time to get actual extra help? ?
What types of social work is there? In high school vocational school, the ECE program is somewhat interesting and I was wondering how does it work with teachers? What are some good dual majors? What about dual admissions as in your degree is accepted in more than one country? For someone on a IEP is there any good programs to help in college? Is there any programs like TRIO? I don’t have a lot of money and have some health issues is there any type of way to actually help me with that? Last question, how can get some extra help in college that can make up from the enabling from mostly my teachers and to get work on time to get actual extra help?

Should I take a gap year ?
Should I take a gap year if so why or why not? I will graduate with two years college credit due to dual enrollment and I know that it will be difficult or tiring so by no means would I be behind because I’d be two years ahead

How can dual enrollment help or hurt my college application/experience?
I'm taking dual enrollment classes next year, and plan to throughout high school. These college credits, however, only transfer to state colleges, and a couple others. I also plan on taking some AP classes in later years as well. I plan on both applying to colleges like MIT and state colleges. Would this benefit my future and myself?

What classes should I take when I do Dual Enrollment?
For my next school year, I plan on pursuing Dual enrollment and was wondering what classes I should take. The courses that I thought would be good for my future career (Cardiologist) Health Care providers/assistance, Health information management, Health Leisure physical education, Health services administration, Health sciences, anatomy and physiology, human nutrition, Nursing-Generic-undergraduates, and surgical technology studies. I was wondering what would be the absolute best classes for me to take. And as far as math and chemistry go would I need to take those classes again? Please help.

What dual enrollment and AP courses are beneficial to a career in speech pathology/therapy?
I am going to start dual enrollment courses next year and want to know what classes are best for an aspiring SLP. I am looking to have the least time in college possible.

Is it better or easier to do dual-credit than dual-enrollment, and what are the benefits of these programs??
I'm asking as a 10th grade bond student from Chicago, Illinois interested in these programs. My counselor suggested I take classes at community colleges next summer instead of next school year, however I'm not sure which to do or if I should choose both. Thanks!