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Michaela’s Avatar


Kansas City, Missouri
3 Questions
276 Karma

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Michaela’s Avatar
Michaela Feb 25, 2015 2100 views

How do you know that you're choosing the right career?

I am really interested in interior design but I am afraid that once I get into the industry that I won't like it and will have wasted my time in college. #college-major #career-choice #experience #interior-design #workflow

Michaela’s Avatar
Michaela Feb 25, 2015 2147 views

How do I prevent the temptation to go out every night while in college?

I know that college parties are a main factor in why students get kicked out. #college #decision-making #parties

Michaela’s Avatar
Michaela Feb 25, 2015 1727 views

What is the best way to get involved on campus?

I want to get involved on campus but don't know how #college #student #help #on-campus #extracurricular