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Armani’s Avatar


Boston, Massachusetts
5 Questions
226 Karma

Armani’s Career Goals

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Armani Sep 30, 2018 1520 views

What can I do with a business administration degree vs an economics degree?

#business #finance #management #accounting

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Armani Sep 20, 2018 1068 views

In college regardless of major how quickly did you get employed?

Usually the purpose of going to college is to get educated in order to qualify for some sort of job/interest you have. However how long did it take to get employed in your field? #job #job-search #career #college

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Armani Sep 20, 2018 853 views

How much experience is needed in terms of managing a hedge fund?

As of lately I have been really interested into business in terms of a possible major. However I know nothing about what you could do with a business degree. I was thinking of being a hedge fund manager but I would like to know what steps do I take to position myself to have enough experience...

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Armani Aug 13, 2018 954 views

How stressful is a double major?

Currently I am split between business (economics) and biomedical science in terms of career paths to pursue. When I tell others this they say business goes well with everything so I should double major. Being in high school I have no idea the rigor of attaining a degree for a major. That being...

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Armani Aug 13, 2018 1225 views

How do you know medical school is “for you?”

Being young it is easy to say you want to be a doctor, but with little to no exposure it’s hard to know if you’re cut for it. How does one know that they should attend medical school if they are unsure before they get into college?
#medschool #doctor #medicine