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Jonathan Jovel’s Avatar

Jonathan Jovel

Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
8 Answers
8700 Reads
1 Karma
Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Aug 15, 2018 583 views

Are University of California (UC) students allowed to have vespas on campus for their freshman year ?

#UCsystem #UCSC

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Jan 06, 2018 1081 views

How should I prepare for a phone interview?

More specifically, are there any major differences between interviewing over the phone and interviewing face-to-face with an employer?
#interviews #phone-etiquette

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Aug 12, 2018 1027 views

What are the best studying habits I can develop?

I have super bad studying habits like procrastination and not studying #help

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Aug 12, 2018 1022 views

How do I stop procrastinating

#help I can never seem to stop procrastinating and its a bad habit

Merenda’s Avatar
Merenda Jan 20, 2018 2277 views

With Being a First Generation College Student, Who Can You Talk to for More Information?

My family has never went to or completed college. This means that it is impossible to get help from them. What can I do to get help? #first-generation #help #college

Jahlil’s Avatar
Jahlil Aug 14, 2018 612 views

How do I mange money better while in college?

What items should I get while I'm attending school and how can I gain assets?

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra Mar 11, 2018 1350 views

With technology constantly changing how can we keep up with it?

Planning on woking in the tech field. #technology #educational-technology

Kei’s Avatar
Kei Aug 14, 2018 1059 views

Do I have to visit a school to know if it's the right one?
