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Lake Stevens, Washington
2 Questions
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jeffrey Aug 15, 2018 760 views

where do the student in the masters program for mathematics go to, like a typical classroom or meeting conference room for one on one teaching?

i noticed in the mathematics masters program at my University (UW), all the masters​ levels classes, there are only like 5 students​, sometimes 2 students. where do they go to have a lecture​s with the professor? do they just meet up with the proffsor ​at his office or in a regular big room...

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jeffrey Aug 15, 2018 928 views

After getting my math degree from an university, am I able to start a teaching position while still attending school?

after graduation with a BA in Mathematics, will i​​ be able to teach somewhere for part-tim​​​e and still be in the mathematics master progra​​​​m at the universit​y​​?

#teaching #education #teacher #math #Mathematics