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Natalie’s Avatar


Chesterton, Indiana
4 Questions
266 Karma

Natalie’s Career Goals

I want to organize music festivals and manage artists in Nashville or Chicago.


Civic Duty

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Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Aug 21, 2018 727 views

There are so many websites where you are given the opportunity to apply for scholarships, but the majority of them involve having to spend 20mins creating an account with every single website in order to start applying and most of them don't even apply to me after I've created my account. Is there a specific website or place where I can look for the best scholarships where there are hundreds of different types?

#scholarships #variety #websites #applying

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Aug 20, 2018 1058 views

What kind of experiences will make me marketable when I'm applying for jobs?

#experiences #marketable #jobs #graduate

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Aug 17, 2018 850 views

Everyone says that connections are the way to success, but where do you meet these people and how?


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Natalie Aug 17, 2018 567 views

I'm a music business major and I'm trying to figure out where I should intern this next summer to fulfill my degree, where are some of the best places to look?
