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New Haven, Connecticut
4 Questions
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Anthony Mar 17, 2015 1428 views

If you have gone to a different school than your friends, was it difficult finding new people to hang out with?

Most of the schools I applied to differ greatly from the ones my friends picked. #college #friends

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Anthony Mar 17, 2015 1561 views

What does a day as an Urban and Community Studies major look like both in and out of college?

I was recently accepted into UConn as a Urban and Community Studies major and was wondering what this major entails. #college #urban-studies

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Anthony Mar 17, 2015 982 views

What is being an Anthropology major like?

I am a senior in high school, and I have been developing an interest in Anthropology. #college #anthropology

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Anthony Mar 17, 2015 1178 views

Is it fine to pursue a degree outside of medicine if you want to have a career in medicine?

My name is Anthony, and I am a senior in high school. I initially thought I wanted to study biomedical engineering because most of the courses fulfill medical school requirement, but now, I have found other majors that peak my interests, such as Biological Sciences, Anthropology and Africana...