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Shraddha Nyati’s Avatar

Shraddha Nyati

Forensic Scientist & An Author
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
2 Answers
7516 Reads
1 Karma
Kristen’s Avatar
Kristen Apr 06, 2018 856 views

What would be the best college to attend for a bachelor's degree?

I'm wanting to know where because I want to become a forensic scientist. I'm not quite sure which school offers a forensics course and I want to hear some expert or experienced advice.

Trinity’s Avatar
Trinity Jan 17, 2018 6808 views

Would it be better to live in a small town or big city when it comes to forensics?

I’m not sure where I want to live in the future and want to know if I’ll be able to find a stable job anywhere I go. #forensic-science #forensics #forensic #chemistry