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Falesha Vonner

Solutions Manager
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
3 Answers
3857 Reads
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Allie’s Avatar
Allie Apr 04, 2018 1057 views

What benefits does joining the military give you?


Sierra’s Avatar
Sierra Mar 13, 2018 1984 views

Is it better to go to college first then military or military then college. Or can you go to school while you are in the military? And do you have any scholarships for going right into a officer.

I really want to go into the military but don't know if it would better me to go to college first or after. #military-service #military

Andre’s Avatar
Andre Jan 16, 2018 996 views

Is military truly the best way to pay for college?

I have many friends who went to college and never been to the military, and vice versa many friends who were in the military and never attended college.
