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Julian Ozen’s Avatar

Julian Ozen

Software Developer at Airbnb. Previously Amazon
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Francisco, California
2 Answers
9916 Reads
1 Karma

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Odai’s Avatar
Odai Nov 08, 2018 8287 views

Dentistry or Computer engineering

Hello I was wondering what major is better (Makes more money, wouldn't need much time to find a suting job opportunity)etc.. I have 2 majors in mind (Dentistry & Computer engineering) I'd love Dentistry because of 1: I can make my own clinic 2: I am my own boss 3.I am pretty good in chem...

Jose’s Avatar
Jose Oct 08, 2018 1670 views

Any tips for people going to study computer science?

I want to make sure I learn good study habits and don't fail. I want to keep my head up and follow through my dreams without getting lost. # #computer-science #studying-tips #college