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Yohannes Tsegay’s Avatar

Yohannes Tsegay

Senior Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Seattle, Washington
2 Answers
3169 Reads
1 Karma

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Justice ’s Avatar
Justice Nov 04, 2016 1255 views

I already have a first degree in economics but I'm considering a career in software engineering but I don't how to start. What should I do?

I want to acquire skills in programming and software development but I don't know how to begin. #computer-software

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Mar 26, 2018 2371 views

What are the best data science courses/nanodegrees I can take online?

I'm currently a third year computer science major, and I've recently discovered a passion for data science and machine learning. I've been trying to learn more about it, and I've found many online resources (Udacity's data analyst, machine learning nano degrees, Stanford's Intro to Machine...