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Boston, Massachusetts
3 Questions
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Nicquela Apr 10, 2015 2844 views

Do most doctors have to donate blood?

I've heard that getting tattoos prevent you from donating blood, so I was just curious to whether or not doctors are expected to donate blood. Or if doctors are even aloud to get tattoos because of the professional work place? #doctor #health #experience #tattoos

Nicquela’s Avatar
Nicquela Apr 10, 2015 7284 views

What are potential challenges one might face when becoming an obstetrician?

I am asking this question, because I would love to be aware of some challenges I'll be facing in the nearer future. I want to know from an Obstetrician themselves or at least a doctor that believes they know, so I can make a final decision.

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Nicquela Apr 09, 2015 1372 views

What is the annual price of an Obstetrician?

I am asking this question because when I graduate from high school, I would love to have a high paying job, so I will be able to provide for my family. I have searched up this question but got numerous of responses, but would love to know from a professional.heal #medicine #health #obstetrician