Career questions tagged obstetrician

What advice would you give to someone who wants to study obstetrics but is not sure if it is the right career?
I am passionate about maternal and child health, but I want to be sure that I have the necessary skills to be a good obstetrician.

What was your life before becoming an Obstetric Sonographer ? Did you jump right into it or did you have a career prior? Would you recommend me going into this straight out of high school?
I am a junior in high school taking an interest in baby sonograms. I am currently taking a medical assistant and other medical classes that will help me in the medical field.

What are the main struggles you go through as an Obstetric Sonographer, personal life and work life?
I'm still in high school and taking a medical assisting class but i'm interested in this and would like to know how my lifestyle could be if I pursue this.

what is the salary, schedule, education requirements from a midwife nurse and and obstetrician?
what is the salary, schedule, education requirements from a midwife nurse and and obstetrician?

Is being an Obstetric sonographer a good career to go in right away after high school?
I am a junior in high school interested in baby sonograms.

is it worth it to become a obgyn ?
whats the diffence between a obgyn, midwife and a labor and deliver nurse do they all pay the same

What is the stress levels of any obsetric nurses?
I am highly interested in pursuing a career in Nicu nursing or L& D nursing, what is the stress level like and would you say its overall worth it ( dothe cons outweigh the pros)?

What is the work environment like for OBGYNs?
Hello! My name is Vy and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the OBGYN field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers

Hello! My name is Vy and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the OBGYN field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment!?
1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date 7. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. What is the salary or pay like? 12. What is the work environment like? 13. What tasks do you perform on a day to day basis as an OBGYN?

What tasks do you perform on a day to day basis as an OBGYN?
Hello! My name is Vy and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the OBGYN field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have createda total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment! 1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date 7. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. What is the salary or pay like? 12. What is the work environment like? 13. What tasks do you perform on a day to day basis as an OBGYN?

What are the benefits of being a midwife ?
kayla im17

I would like to know how much an Obsterics and Gynecology Resident makes in their 1st year, in USA #Fall22
How much does an Obsterics and Gynecology Resident make in their 1st year, in USA #Fall22

What is the hardest part of being an obstetrician?
And also what is your favorite part about being an obstetrician? When did you start being one and how did you get interested?

Did you have to get perfect grades in high school to be able to become a registered nurse?
I'm a 10th-grader who has always had an interest in the medical field and nursing and I expect that you had to attain perfect grades to gain entry into a good nursing school but recently my grades haven't been so great so I wonder if that's going to affect me if I do choose to become a registered nurse. #registerednurse #nurse #obstetrician

What steps do you take to be a obstetrician
When I get older I want to become a obstetrician because I want to help bring life into the world and if that doesn't workout I want to be a surgeon or a in the air force I just want to have a job that helps others. #surgeon #airforce #obstetrician

What majors should I have to be an obstetrician?
#college-major #obstetrician #obgyn #healthcare

Is there anything of importance that you think I should know before going into the field? Any advice?
I'm a high school student interested in being an obstetrician! I love being able to make people's lives brighten and to me that brightness for any expecting mother is being able to have their baby and hold him/her for the first time. I have a few distant family members in the field and hearing about what they do interested me! #obstetrician #doctor #obgyn #midwiving #midwive #nurse #nursing #medicine #healthcare

How has your lifestyle change/been affected by this field?
I'm a high school student interested in being an obstetrician! I love being able to make people's lives brighten and to me that brightness for any expecting mother is being able to have their baby and hold him/her for the first time. I have a few distant family members in the field and hearing about what they do interested me! #obstetrician #doctor #obgyn #midwiving #midwive #nurse #nursing #medicine #healthcare

What should I consider before going into this field ?
I'm a high school student interested in being an obstetrician! I love being able to make people's lives brighten and to me that brightness for any expecting mother is being able to have their baby and hold him/her for the first time. I have a few distant family members in the field and hearing about what they do interested me! #obstetrician #doctor #obgyn #midwiving #midwive #nurse #nursing #medicine #healthcare

What major did you take in college to help?
I'm a high school student interested in being an obstetrician! I love being able to make people's lives brighten and to me that brightness for any expecting mother is being able to have their baby and hold him/her for the first time. I have a few distant family members in the field and hearing about what they do interested me! #obstetrician #doctor #obgyn #midwiving #midwive #nurse #nursing #medicine #healthcare

What parts of your job do you find the most challenging?
I'm a high school student interested in being an obstetrician! I love being able to make people's lives brighten and to me that brightness for any expecting mother is being able to have their baby and hold him/her for the first time. I have a few distant family members in the field and hearing about what they do interested me! #obstetrician #doctor #obgyn #midwiving #midwive #nurse #nursing #medicine #healthcare

How was your track like going through medical school ?
I'm a high school student interested in being an obstetrician! I love being able to make people's lives brighten and to me that brightness for any expecting mother is being able to have their baby and hold him/her for the first time. I have a few distant family members in the field and hearing about what they do interested me! #obstetrician #doctor #obgyn #midwiving #midwive #nurse #nursing #medicine #healthcare

About how long did it take to get to where you are now in your field?
I'm a high school student interested in being an obstetrician! I love being able to make people's lives brighten and to me that brightness for any expecting mother is being able to have their baby and hold him/her for the first time. I have a few distant family members in the field and hearing about what they do interested me! #obstetrician #doctor #OBGYN #midwiving #midwive #nurse #nursing #medicine #healthcare

How do you became an obstetritian?
It's always been a dream of mine. #obstetrician

what is the best school to attendant for a OBGYN?
This is important question to me because this is the occupation I want . #obgyn #obstetrician #gynecology #doctor #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare

What are the best steps to take to become a Ob-Gyn/Obstetrician Doctor?
I just want to know which path and steps to take, since I am only a soon to be college student and trying to go into the Medical Field. #medical-field #obstetrician #obgyn #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

how often do you have to deliver bad news to patients and how do you go about it?
I once read this article about the "proper way" to inform parents that they're having a child with Down Syndrome and I just wanted to see if it happens often #doctor #obstetrics #obstetrician #gynecologist #medicine #hospital-and-health-care #healthcare

What does the daily life of an obstetrician look like?
My name is Anna and I am a sophomore in high school. I have always been interested in pregnancy and how it works and I am wondering what someone who works in this specific field does on a daily basis. #obstetrics #obstetrician

What programs should I take to be a obstetric technician in Boston ?
Ive always been interested in the field from seeing it on tv, to seeing it in the hospital. Since Im in high school i want to know what should i do first when i get out of high school. #medicine #obstetrician

What is the annual price of an Obstetrician?
I am asking this question because when I graduate from high school, I would love to have a high paying job, so I will be able to provide for my family. I have searched up this question but got numerous of responses, but would love to know from a professional.heal #medicine #health #obstetrician