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Mitchell Mordarski’s Avatar

Mitchell Mordarski

Senior Tax Associate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
8 Answers
5770 Reads
11 Karma

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Victor’s Avatar
Victor Aug 16, 2018 661 views

How do I raise a low GPA?

My first year ended in my GPA being pretty bad. What are easy ways to raise it?

JaMiyah’s Avatar
JaMiyah Aug 26, 2018 529 views

What are the differences of a huge school vs. a small school?

Is it better to attend a bigger school? Will they give more opportunities or will they be the same as ones from a small school? What are the big differences that I'll get from one that I won't get from the other. #bigcollege #smallcollege

Cian’s Avatar
Cian Aug 27, 2018 824 views

Should I retake my ACT if my score was a 31?

Don't want to do worse, always want to do better. I do not want to get stuck in a loop getting worse scores and never getting a 31 again. #pleasehelp

Ansley’s Avatar
Ansley Aug 29, 2018 605 views

What are some resources to find a roommate?

If I go to a school where I know no one, I'd really like to move in having already bonded with my roommate. What are some resource I can use? #college

Brikiya’s Avatar
Brikiya Aug 28, 2018 1324 views

How many years will it take to become a Physical Therapist?

#physical-therapist #therapists #therapy

Dreama’s Avatar
Dreama Sep 04, 2018 626 views

How many years of schooling is there to be a veterinarian

Years in order to be a veterinarian #Animals

Aubrey’s Avatar
Aubrey Apr 17, 2018 686 views

How many scholarships would I have to apply to in order to win enough money to cover their entire tuition?

Over the course of the past month I have applied to a lot more scholarships the. I ever thought I would, and I have started looking at the odds of me getting a scholarship being 1 of a hundred on average meaning if I wanted to pay of my tuition that would mean applying to say around 100...

Bethany’s Avatar
Bethany Aug 26, 2018 701 views

Which is better: going to a community college and then transferring, or going straight to a four year college?

Some people tell me to save money by going to a community college first, and that is what all of my siblings have done, but others say that going to a four year college makes things simpler. I am not sure what they mean, but which do you think is better and why? #colleges #tuitioncosts

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