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Louisville, Colorado
2 Questions
428 Karma

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Kathy’s Avatar
Kathy Aug 19, 2020 2363 views

What does a software testing engineer do and how do you become one?

I'm learning html, css and javascript on my own and starting to look at job postings to see which areas of technology most interest me. I thought I'd be going the route of web development but I came across a post for a Manual Automation Tester and it sounds so interesting. Here's the...

Kathy’s Avatar
Kathy Dec 12, 2018 1252 views

I'm considering web development, database administration, and software development/programming. How can I tell which area would be right for me?

#software-development #computer-software #programming #technology I have a bachelor's degree unrelated to CS. I'm looking at either a boot camp, an AAS degree or maybe another bachelor's in CS. My kids are almost out of high school so I'm looking for a big change and something I can really...