Yvette Davis,
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If I graduated with bachelors in aircraft maintenance , am I and engineer or just a technician and what position I will get after I graduate ?
#aerospacegraduates #aerospace #aircraftmaintenace

I am in the 10th grade and I am just beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passions and interests ?
At school, I am most interested in math, and science, while my hobbies include helping and looking out for others, and doing makeup. A topic that i am passionate about is helping people. What are some career options that best align with these interests and what are some helpful next steps i...

Does your major and minor have to be similar in nature?
Thinking about choosing a minor in a different field as my major. #college-minor #college-major #college #choosing-a-major

If nurse doesn’t work out for me which medical field would fit me
After clinical in nursing I don’t find myself being a nurse would becoming pharmacist possible . Is there any other medical field that you cN suggest ? Thank you #medicine #pharmacist #career-counseling #nursing #pharmacy #healthcare