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Tucson, Arizona
3 Questions
111 Karma

Ourania’s Career Goals

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Ourania’s Avatar
Ourania Jan 22, 2019 709 views

Why did you choose to become a electrician for your occupation?

What variables made you decide this is what you want to do with your life?
What steps were taking for you to achieve your career and goal(s) ?
#career #electrical # electrician

Ourania’s Avatar
Ourania Jan 22, 2019 673 views

After high school How much can a entry level make without a degree?

Can you work with out a degree ? It it enough financial stability to live off with out having additional education?
#electrician #financial-planning

Ourania’s Avatar
Ourania Jan 22, 2019 735 views

For a Electrician is there ways to advance in your career field ?

Do you need more education. Or how can you get a higher up job ? How can you move forward ?
#teaching #career-path