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Maxwell Departee’s Avatar

Maxwell Departee

Research Scientist
Management Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Seattle, Washington
4 Answers
4634 Reads
1 Karma

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Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan May 28, 2019 1173 views

What does a biotechnologist do?

#biology #science #biotech #biotechnology

Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar May 28, 2019 1892 views

Do you need to be good at chemistry to get a job in biotech or biology?


Caitlyn’s Avatar
Caitlyn Apr 18, 2018 1046 views

What is the best way to study for Biochemistry?

I am a plant and soil major having to take biochem. The past 2 years I have been at a juco and now am transferring to a university. Any study techniques, material or ways to prepare for it are helpful!
#science #agriculture #biochemistry #biology #chemistry

francessca’s Avatar
francessca May 03, 2019 635 views

What career fits me best if i'm good at biology?

#medicine #biology