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Teresa Craig’s Avatar

Teresa Craig

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Legal Occupations
Plano, Texas
3 Answers
4115 Reads
1 Karma

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Cristin’s Avatar
Cristin Jan 20, 2018 990 views

What is the best way to promote yourself and your education to ensure that you stand out when starting a career?

I have been investing an immense amount of time to my studies in order to be better qualified than others competing for the same job or career. Because of this, it would be nice to get insight on ways to stand out from the crowd.
#standout #investing #studies

Maria’s Avatar
Maria May 11, 2020 1710 views

Can't decide between psychiatrist or physical therapy

#psychology #psychiatry #medicine #premed #college #career #surgery #physical-therapy #counseling

Timothy’s Avatar
Timothy Apr 04, 2017 2200 views

What exactly is a Mortgage?

Hi, This question may not apply to my life currently seeing how I am a student who does not own any property or a home. But I am still curious to know what exactly a Mortgage is because I think it will be useful to understand in the future. Thanks allot! #college #finance #education #home...