Jin Gu
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Do colleges care more about a good GPA or a good ACT score?
I have a good GPA but a low ACT score. I've looked at a lot of school websites, and my ACT score is lower than the low range of students they accept. I worry about being rejected because of the ACT score. #worriedaboutgettingin

Do extracurricular activities during college really matter after graduating college? (i.e. in the workforce)
Does being a president of a student organization related to one's major at college matter 10 years after graduating college? Or is it just a sign of overachievement during college? (Apologies if these questions come across as offensive, I am genuinely curious about their answers. Thank you!)...

How to get data science internship jobs in America for a MSC student while studying in France?
How to get data science internship jobs in America for a Master of Science in Data & Business Analytics student while studying in France? #internship #Technology#Data and Business Analytics

What are the different fields that I could specialize in for software engineering?
I am heading to college next fall and will be pursuing a software engineering degree. I have been asked by numerous people about what specifically I want to do with software engineering, however, I am not familar with the different types of software engineers. I just wanted to know what types...