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Magali B.

2 Answers
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Ricardo’s Avatar
Ricardo Jan 20, 2012 5372 views

Does the name of your college actually make a difference?

I've heard rumors that the name of the college/university that you attend has a great affect on who you will be and the amount of respect and money earned. Is this actually true when it comes to science and math? #education #money #college-selection

DejaCodman2’s Avatar
DejaCodman2 Oct 10, 2012 2570 views

How do you decide if a career is for you?

Hi I am a sophomore and i was wondering about picking a career. A lot of people say you should NEVER pick a career based on the amount of money you make, but how are suppose to live off of a career that you barely make money off of? #career #money #career-choice #career-path #career-options...