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Vincent Julien’s Avatar

Vincent Julien

City Manager
Management Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Paris, Île-de-France, France
4 Answers
3939 Reads
11 Karma

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Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Aug 29, 2018 1484 views

What is the best way to prepare for an interview

#interviewing-skills #interviews

Alejandra’s Avatar
Alejandra May 03, 2019 936 views

What are some job options that include traveling?

#travel #career #careeroptions #money

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher May 31, 2019 814 views

On average how much time should a college student set aside to use to study for exams per week?

#college #school #student

Bethany’s Avatar
Bethany Aug 26, 2018 1108 views

What are your top tips for college years?

What are some pieces of wisdom you have learned over your time, such as advice for studying, applications, scholarships, internships, etc.? #internships