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Morgan Buenz’s Avatar

Morgan Buenz

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Francisco, California
2 Answers
1367 Reads
1 Karma

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Isabel’s Avatar
Isabel Apr 19, 2018 557 views

After completing college and getting a degree how can I ensure that I get a job in that field?

I am planning on majoring in plant sciences and I want to make sure that I get a job that is relevant to plants and the environment. However I know that the economy is not the best and being just graduated from college just looking for a decent payed job is hard enough. How can I ensure during...

Jaelen’s Avatar
Jaelen May 22, 2018 1091 views

Should I purse a minor?

I was considering a minor for my school resume, and I was wondering what is the best suited minor for an exercise science major as I apply myself forward through college?
#majors-and-minors #school #college-minor #college #minor #resume #science-major