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Fort Worth, Texas
3 Questions
196 Karma

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John Nov 18, 2015 1609 views

Computer Programming, what do I need to be prepared?

How well should my knowledge of programming be to be ready for computer science classes in college? #computer-science #computer #computer-engineering

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John Oct 21, 2015 1637 views

Software Engineering

I am very interested in going to college for software engineering. I have created software before in VB.NET, and have always had an interest in software and computers. My question is, what things are taught in a software engineering class, and what languages and other things should I learn/do...

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John Sep 03, 2015 1664 views

What should I do to prepared to go to college for computer engineering

I am looking to go to college for computer engineering and I am wondering on what I should do to get started going down that path. #engineering #computer