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Anahi R

Las Cruces, New Mexico
4 Questions
141 Karma

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Anahi R’s Avatar
Anahi R Sep 03, 2019 692 views

What are the welding certifications offered in Advanced Training?

Hello, my name is Anahi. I am currently a student in Job Corps, getting my basic welding certifications. I am 18 years old with approximately 5 years of welding experience. I am not sure if going into Advanced Training is the best choice for me.
#welding #career #certification

Anahi R’s Avatar
Anahi R Aug 30, 2019 859 views

How do you challenge and/or track your welding skills?

My name is Anahi, I am 18 years old with 4 (highschool) years of welding experience. I am currently working on getting my certificates. I believe practicing and tracking your skills is very important, but how exactly can you do that? #welding #career #skills #weldernation

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Anahi R Aug 30, 2019 1195 views

How hard is working on your own having a rig already?

My name is Anahi, I am 18 years old with 4 (highschool) years of welding experience. I am currently working on getting my certificates. As a girl, I wonder if it is viewed differently by employers and if working on your own is really a good choice. #welding #career #certificates #oilfield

Anahi R’s Avatar
Anahi R Aug 30, 2019 666 views

Really, how often do your welding certificates come in handy?

My name is Anahi, I am 18 years old with 4 (highschool) years of welding experience. I am currently working on getting my certificates, as a girl, I wonder if it is viewed differently by employers and if getting my certificates is really the best move I should be doing to increase my job...