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Joanna Mongillo’s Avatar

Joanna Mongillo

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Francisco, California
2 Answers
18121 Reads
41 Karma

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Akira’s Avatar
Akira Sep 07, 2015 15477 views

what subjects should i take in IGCSE if i want to be an interior designer?

i am answering IGCSE next year and i want to be an interior designer..but i am confuse which subjects to take so i need some suggestions:) currently i am taking accounting, english, maths, physics, chemistry..please answer..thank you #interior

Jaleel Mackey’s Avatar
Jaleel Oct 05, 2015 2490 views

What kinds of career opportunities come to those with a background in animation?

This question comes from a young man who has a love for drawing cartoons and aspires to work at Pixar, one day. He wants to keep his options open (he's considering Dreamworks as an option) and would love to know where else he can work and in what capacity with a background in animation. I would...