Tyler’s Career Goals
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Why would anyone get into Metal Refining?
What are some of the pull factors into getting a job in metal refining if there are any? #career #metal #worker #metalworker #metalrefiner

Is there anything basic that someone getting into metal refining must know?
Is there something that I have to know in order to be successful at my job or is it all just common sense? #career #metal #worker #metalworker #metalrefiner

How prepared are most people in the Metal Refining business?
When getting into the job, how prepared are they? Is there a specific amount of knowledge required to even start? #career #metal #worker #metalworker #metalrefiner

What is the typical salary in the metal refining business?
From the average worker on the job to some of the higher ups within the business.
#career #metal #worker #metalworker #metalrefiner

If given the choice, would you leave the metal refining business?
Is this a job that you enjoy thoroughly or would you give it up in a heartbeat for anything new? #career #metal #worker #metalworker #metalrefiner

Is the metal refining business good to get into?
Is it constant hard work that you have to be specially trained to endure, or is it just another job? #career #metal #worker #metalworker #metalrefiner

What type of work do you do as a Metal Refiner?
What do you typically work on? Is it just shaping metal into figures, trying to make it look nice, or just cutting it and packaging it? #career #metal #worker #metalworker #metalrefiner

Is being a rebar worker a job that you recommend?
Would you tell people to get into the business and why or why not? #career #rebar #worker

What would be a reasonable salary for a rebar worker?
From things like the typical monthly salary to some of the higher ups within the business, is the payment generally the same across the board? #career #rebar #worker

How did you found out that you wanted to get into this job?
How did working with and around rebar interest you or was this a job that was just available? #career #rebar #worker

Is there potential for improvements and promotions in the rebar business?
Are there enough positions within this specific business to get a comfortable promotion or are these few and far between? Are raises even a potential or not commonly? #career #rebar #worker

Is the industry growing for new recruits?
Is it possible for someone with no connections inside the business to get in and be comfortable with their position or is that completely blocked since there aren't enough spaces? #career #rebar #worker

Can you describe a typical day for a rebar worker?
From things like the work load to when you get up and have a lunch break or anything particularly unique to this job. #career #rebar #worker

How do you get into the rebar business?
How do you get your start in a career like this? #career #rebar #worker

What do you find most enjoyable about being a postal worker?
What is the highest point of a typical day for a postal worker? #career #postman #postalservice