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Carrie Turner’s Avatar

Carrie Turner

Database manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Richmond, Texas
5 Answers
9914 Reads
2 Karma

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Jade’s Avatar
Jade Jul 31, 2020 2715 views

What are the difficulties in becoming/being a book editor?

I'm interested in being a book editor. I know that every career has its challenges, but because I don't have many book editors to talk to, I don't know what challenges book editors have. What difficulties happen in the job search and job itself? Thank you! #JULY20 #book-editor #book-editing...

Drake’s Avatar
Drake Nov 14, 2019 1806 views

Are there a lot of job openings for insurance agents right now?

#insurance #job-openings

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Nov 14, 2019 959 views

How do I narrow down my career options?

Im a junior in highschool and i have no idea what i want to do when i get out of school. I love math and problem solving, however i hate english and writing papers. I also dislike the medical field. I want to go to college but im worried that i wont know what to study. #college #math...

Ulysses’s Avatar
Ulysses Oct 10, 2019 594 views

I want to be a mountain biking you tuber what college class should I take

I love mountain biking and want to share my mountain biking #college

styles’s Avatar
styles Oct 09, 2019 3980 views

what advice can u give me for interviews.

#interviews #career #advice