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Rick Karvouniaris’s Avatar

Rick Karvouniaris

Network Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
4 Answers
2779 Reads
21 Karma

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essence’s Avatar
essence Oct 16, 2019 710 views

why is your career important to you ?


Omar’s Avatar
Omar Oct 03, 2019 711 views

What degree do you need to be a criminal investigator?

#robertolozano #interested #criminology #criminal-justice #law

Antonio’s Avatar
Antonio Oct 21, 2019 657 views

What should I pursue, Computer Programmer or Web designer?

The pay will not be a deal breaker. I would just like another person's view on what is more demanding and actually fun to work on.

#computer #technology

Anudari’s Avatar
Anudari May 24, 2016 1332 views

Should I be worried about technology and robots potentially taking over some jobs?

It's no lie that technology has always been advancing forward and improving, but should I be worried about it in terms of getting a job in the future? Do you think it'll be harder for the future generation when they're ready to start working? How should we avoid this if it becomes a problem?...