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Haslet, Texas
2 Questions
136 Karma

Rachel’s Career Goals

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Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Oct 23, 2015 1163 views

If you don't like blood, how do you become a doctor in pedeatrics

Hello my name is Rachel and I'm a 6'th grader, I want kids to look up to me, but HATE blood any insight on what carrier I should presue will be a help. #pediatrics #degrees

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Oct 20, 2015 1685 views

What type of careers involve cooking and buissness that pay well?

Hello, my name is Rachel and I am a sixth grader, I have no idea what to do with my life. I absolutely love to bake and cook, but I know that jobs where you do that all day don't pay well. I am thinking of having a small business, but I don't know how I'm going to the money to start it. Any...