Sofia’s Career Goals
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How much training did you need to be a health info technician?
#IT #informationtechnology #healthcare #training #health #info #technician
High school student researching health info technicians. Give short, simple answer. Thank you! :)

What companies involve health information technicians?
High school student doing research on health info technicians. #IT #health #healthcare

What's your income as a health information technician?
I am a high school student doing research for an IT project and my assigned career was health info technician. #research #jobs # #healthcare

What is the job outlook for a health information technician?
I am a high school student with IT exploratory. I have to do a project on IT careers and I was assigned health info technician. #health #healthcare #IT #informationtechnology

What is the day in the life for a health information technician?
I'm in IT class right now and our assignment is to research an IT career, mine is a health information technician. I'd like to know what usually goes on in the field. #healthinformation #healthcare #IT #informationtechnology #technician #daily #jobs