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Maria Sanchez’s Avatar

Maria Sanchez

Radiologic Technologist/Education White Memorial Medical Center
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Lynwood, California
4 Answers
11127 Reads
1 Karma

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Arlenna’s Avatar
Arlenna May 05, 2016 3170 views

What classes should I take in high school to become a pediatrician?

I want to become a pediatrician. #college #medicine #pediatrics

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Oct 25, 2016 6678 views

How do I become a radiation therapy technician?

I would like to become a radiation therapist but I'm not sure where to start. I know that there are limited colleges offering a radiation therapy major and I'm unsure what the requirements are. #radiological-technician #radiation

Nacolma ’s Avatar
Nacolma May 05, 2016 806 views

What classes would you need to take for a Obsetrician and Gynecologist

I want to be this when I graduate #career #medicine

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Nov 02, 2015 1155 views

what is a day like in Bio medical engineering?

I have little knowledge of what it is like. #engineering #medicine #biology