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Yloza2013 Apr 10, 2013 2040 views

Typical work day for a Physical Therapist?

I am interesting in becoming a physical therapist and would like to know what a typical work day for a physical therapist looks like. I am not sure if physical therapists generally work with patients or focus more on writing reports. #medicine #physical-therapist

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Yloza2013 Apr 10, 2013 10848 views

What major is best to become a sports physical therapist?

I am currently a high school senior and am interested in becoming a sports physical therapist. After researching, I have noticed there are multiple majors a person could take to become a physical therapist; however, I would like to know which major is best to continue into the path of becoming...

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Yloza2013 Apr 10, 2013 1746 views

Is majoring in Sports Medicine the best major that will help a person become a sports physical therapist?

I am currently a high school senior year interested in becoming a sport physical therapist; however, I do not know if majoring in sports medicine is best option for a person wanting to become a sport physical therapist. I want to help athletes rehabilitate their bodies after an injury and make...