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Ash Calvin’s Avatar

Ash Calvin

Houston, Texas
3 Answers
5623 Reads
1 Karma

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fatamata’s Avatar
fatamata Jan 15, 2020 3000 views

what inspires you?

my mother inspires me everyday because she tells me that i have the potential to do anything. she never fails to understand me or support me. she is my role model and with her by my side, i CAN do anything.


Kerena’s Avatar
Kerena Jan 23, 2020 1318 views

Very very confused

Hey y’all! I’m thinking of going into chem Eng because I’m interested in making things that help people/environment but I’m a bit undecided because I heard that it’s very hard:(
I just want a career that makes a difference in society, and that is hands on.
#career #engineer

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 23, 2020 1496 views

What is an accountants pay like?

I'm interested in joining the business trade and hopefully becoming an accountant but have no prior experience. #business #finance #accounting #finance