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Alex Balili’s Avatar

Alex Balili

Release/Deployment/Program Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Long Beach, California
3 Answers
5138 Reads
21 Karma

Active Locations

CareerVillage ’s Avatar
CareerVillage Dec 29, 2011 4861 views

How to make a decision about careers?

I have heard a lot of different things about careers, from friends, family, and teachers, but I really have no idea how to make a decision. How do other people make this decision? When do they make this decision? #career-choice #career-path

Gabrielle’s Avatar
Gabrielle Jan 30, 2020 1034 views

How important are extra-curriculars when exiting college?

As a non-traditional student, I have been working full-time while obtaining my degree. While this is not an extra-curricular that some workplaces or internships look for, I think there is value in sticking to obtaining a degree while also have responsibilities where my time is already split...

Rob’s Avatar
Rob Aug 21, 2018 1200 views

Why are there no schoarships or grants for the Project Management Field?

Project management is my major and I am unable to find any scholarships that pertain to my area of study #projectmanagement