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kim ross’s Avatar

kim ross

BSN RN -Case Manager
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
The Woodlands, Texas
4 Answers
2852 Reads
21 Karma

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Gwen’s Avatar
Gwen Feb 29, 2020 663 views

What is Nursing School like?

I'm a pre-nursing student in an ADN program #nursing #nurse and hear all sorts of stories about nursing school. I'm curious what the day to day is like, how often you are in clinicals weekly, how often are tests, and how many classes you take a semester?

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Feb 04, 2020 807 views

If you could do it all over again, would you choose the same path for yourself? If not, what would you change?

#nurse #career #medicine #nursing

kinijah’s Avatar
kinijah Feb 10, 2020 815 views

what is a life in days work in Cna?

I am a junior in high school and trying to figure out my plan because college is approaching very soon. #nursing #medicine #job #nurse #CNA

Amia’s Avatar
Amia Aug 14, 2019 750 views

How much do you pay in an hour?

#medicine #doctor #hospital