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7 Questions
541 Karma

Sohalia’s Career Goals

I want to get a degree in economics, business and SEHS. I want to work in marketing, and also be a personal trainer on the side. I also want to be an accomplished actress after securing a job or investing in a company.

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Sohalia Mar 09, 2020 1598 views

Is taking economics a good idea if i want to be in the field of marketing?

#economics #college #business #marketing #university #finance

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Sohalia Feb 28, 2020 1758 views

How many IB points would you need to be able to qualify for Harvard?

#college #IB # #college-advice #college-major #grades

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Sohalia Feb 28, 2020 764 views

Is there still a point in studying to be a lawyer when IA is going to take over that field?

I wanted to be a lawyer before, but my dad told me that I shouldn't since artificial intelligence will be taking over law (in 10-15 years) instead to make it more efficient, and there would be no use for me then. Is that true? #law #lawyer #law-school #college #IA #artificial-intelligence

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Sohalia Feb 26, 2020 983 views

What knowledge would help me get in the field of marketing?

#marketing #business #college-major #management #technology

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Sohalia Feb 26, 2020 639 views

Is it better to go to Juilliard or NUS as an undergraduate?

I want to get into marketing for economics, but I am also very passionate about theatre arts and drama, I am also quite talented in it according to teachers and classmates. But I am not sure whether I should go to Juilliard or NUS for my bachelors degree, since both coarse take 4 years and that...

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Sohalia Feb 24, 2020 779 views

Is it better to go to a well known university for an undergraduate degree or masters?

#university #college #degree #college-major

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Sohalia Feb 22, 2020 633 views

Wouldn't making SEHS a compulsory subject from primary school bring a great change to the world economically and health wise?

SEHS = sports exercise and health science
#health #education #school