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Martin Cameron’s Avatar

Martin Cameron

Pilot at SkyWest Airlines
Transportation and Material Moving Occupations
Los Angeles, California
3 Answers
13933 Reads
31 Karma

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Nathan ’s Avatar
Nathan Sep 01, 2017 952 views

Is it true that there is going to be or is a shortage of pilots?

I keep hearing from family, friends, etc that there is going to be or is a shortage of commercial pilots, just wondering if the demand is actually as severe as the truth.

Joshlynn’s Avatar
Joshlynn Oct 21, 2015 861 views

how to get a good paying job

I want to know how to get a good paying job so I well have a great job

Tristan’s Avatar
Tristan Dec 15, 2014 11950 views

How can I job shadow a commercial pilot?

This is an assignment for me. Thank you to anyone who helped #job #pilot #new