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Lakshmi Raman’s Avatar

Lakshmi Raman

Academic Advisor
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Cypress, California
6 Answers
7557 Reads
11 Karma

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Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Jun 08, 2021 3725 views

What should I have as a possible minor in school if I am going for physical therapy.

#college-minor #college-advice #physical-therapy

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 17, 2020 819 views

How did you get the money to pay for college?

#college #student

Dontraveous’s Avatar
Dontraveous Mar 16, 2020 599 views

Does Hvac require going to college

#college #college-advice

PRABHU’s Avatar
PRABHU Jan 29, 2020 623 views

How can I succeed in getting an admission at btech courses at any good govt. Institutes?????

I am a student who wants to be like a student always. #student #job-search

kisa’s Avatar
kisa Jan 28, 2020 685 views

What advice would you give for interviewing for a job in this field?


Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Mar 10, 2020 714 views

Doing the volunteer work, do I go to college for this after I volunteer or do I start actual work immediately

I am a college student in international business college and vet tech. I am a little confused about my majoring in and like more of an idea to become a police investigator. I am a hard worker and like to ask questions. I have good social skills. #student #volunteer