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Jay Syz’s Avatar

Jay Syz

Cloud Engineering
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
3 Answers
6105 Reads
61 Karma


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Harry’s Avatar
Harry Apr 22, 2020 2615 views

Does it look good having a summer job on my resume even if it is unrelated to my professional goals.

I'm in high school hoping to go into either a health or law profession after college. I am currently undecided about which university I want to go to and what my major will be. #job #resume #college

Paola’s Avatar
Paola Jan 10, 2018 1140 views

What are the different experiences from job interviews?

I am a junior. I am interested in the different perspectives of those who have gone to job interviews, either it is a career interview or a regular job interview is fine. #job-search #career #user-experience #interviews #interviewing-skills

Rana’s Avatar
Rana Apr 10, 2020 2769 views

what are the needed skills to be a good sales engineer ?

#sales #sales-engineer #engineering #engineer #mechanical-engineering #electro-mechanical