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Dan Roscigno’s Avatar

Dan Roscigno

Customer Success (I teach best practices)
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Albany, New York
3 Answers
2585 Reads
21 Karma

Active Locations

Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar Mar 28, 2020 650 views

How were you able to be successful when your environment was toxic and dangerous?

I'm a student at Lionel Wilson College Preparatory Academy in East Oakland, California. I aspire to be a software and/or agricultural engineer. #engineer

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Dec 05, 2018 1299 views

What major did you study in college and was it useful in your career?

I'm considering being a computer software developer and I want to know what degree would get me there. What colleges would you recommend for this career?

#computer-software #software-engineer #college-major

Aun’s Avatar
Aun Mar 14, 2020 1106 views

How long Does it Take To Learn Web Development to Create a Website from Scratch?

Due to the march break and the covid-19 outbreak, I have a lot of time on my hands, of which I want to utilize cultivating a new skill. I am planning on investing most of my time learning web development. The reason why I asked this question is that I hope to gain a co-op position in a few...