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Chandler, Arizona
2 Questions
137 Karma

Price’s Career Goals

I want to be a Physical Therapist in the Midwest or South.

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Price Jul 17, 2020 872 views

How do I become a PT tech/aide? I know the experience hours would be extremely beneficial to my overall knowledge and PT school application.

I'm in the middle of my undergraduate Exercise Physiology degree and getting ready to apply to PT school in about 2 years. #physicaltherapy #graduateschool #application #tech #aide #experience #volunteer #shadowing #JULY20

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Price Jul 17, 2020 988 views

What is the best way to prepare for the GRE? Also, when is the best time to take it?

I'm in the middle of my undergraduate Exercise Physiology degree and getting ready to apply to PT school in about 2 years. #physicaltherapy #graduateschool #testing #GRE #JULY20